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Dr Jenna Daku
Mar 12, 20185 min read
Eating Disorder signs & how to help
You can’t always tell by looking at somebody if they have an eating disorder, so be sure to check that misconception at the door. In...
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Dr. Jenna Daku
Oct 12, 20175 min read
Hungry for connection: Weight loss, eating disorders, and loneliness
The desire to lose weight is pervasive in our culture, and many people struggle to let go of it. There's so much pressure for us to look...
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Dr. Jenna Daku
Sep 1, 20177 min read
Why I cancelled my 'Health MOT": Challenging the stigma around health, exercise and weight
I have a gym membership because I enjoy moving my body and I don't always enjoy moving it outside - especially when it's cold and raining....
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